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Binary Garden
A repository of open-source software, created with love, for the people
- Disciplines TreeMore information coming soonTypescript
- The Coolest PongControls up: W left: A down: S right: D
This video and it's software were created during the 2020 lockdown for a different project. The content is being repur posed to showcase the format for the Binary Garden. While the structure aligns with our upcoming project, expect notable differences in aesthetic, humor, and presentation style. View this as a sneak peek into Binary Gardens' framework, not its content. We're excited to bring you a fresh experience soon.UnityC# - The Coolest MarioControls up: W left: A down: S right: D jump: SPACE fire: Mouse Click
This video and it's software were created during the 2020 lockdown for a different project. The content is being repur posed to showcase the format for the Binary Garden. While the structure aligns with our upcoming project, expect notable differences in aesthetic, humor, and presentation style. View this as a sneak peek into Binary Gardens' framework, not its content. We're excited to bring you a fresh experience soon.UnityC#